
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

forgive me for my "buy my stuff" posting; just keeping everyone in the loop

Here is a rundown of my current eBay postings.

Two Face from Batman: The Animated Series (ends in three hours)

Marvel Legends Iron Man blue stealth armor variant

Marvel Legends Iron Man gold and red variant

Spider-Man Classics Scarlet Spider variant

Spider-Man Classics Spider-Man 2099 variant

Iron Man movie novelization by Peter David (2 available)

Iron Man Nerf gun

Wonder Woman WB Studio Stores exclusive ornament from 2000

Brandon Lee as The Crow headknocker/bobblehead

Batman: The Animated Series TRU exclusive figure set including Batman, Two Face, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn

Batman vs.

The Joker action figure set, Wal-Mart exclusive

Batman & Robin action figure set, Wal-Mart exclusive

Batman & Superman action figure set, Wal-Mart exclusive

Now here's a link to the whole mess:

http://shop. ebay. com/merchant/saintofthepit_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

my recent activities

I haven't posted much lately aside from "please buy my things" posts, so here's a bit of what's been going on. My on and off depression thing has been rearing its ugly head lately, and I decided to take an unplanned vacation to visit family and old friends in Kentucky. My dad visited here a couple of weeks back for an event he wanted to attend, and I hadn't taken any time off to see him, so I went back with him and stayed for close to a week. I saw my nephew for the first time, I reconnected with many friends I haven't seen in years, I bought some original art I'm rather shocked didn't sell on eBay from my friend Hayley Young, I found a Milli Vanilli cd and bought it because if felt like the right thing to do (I am amused by spectacular failures for some reason and collect examples of them), and I shipped about twelve boxes of collectibles from my storage facility to post on eBay and try to turn into money. I hope most of it sells. Otherwise I might find myself being pursued around the apartment by an attractive female wielding either a rolling pin or a frying pan. I also shipped myself 200 or 300 copies of Fatalysia #1 that had been floating around in the ether since I was almost out of them. I spent most of today doing eBay-related things such as shipping, posting, photographing, and hunting down prices. For the first day of doing this as an all day thing, it was sort of fun. I hope it stays that way and actually generates a little money (says the guy who just fought off hundreds of nerds for an SDCC exclusive Doctor Who figure). Anyway, just the feeling of being productive seems to take a bite out of the depression, just like seeing friends you've had since second grade and lots of cats, which are hard to come by here. I started poking through my friends lists today on LiveJournal and am afraid I might not be able to make it back to where I temporarily dropped off. My apologies. How is everyone?

It feels so weird having to go back to work and having life all scheduled away after being totally free from it all for a week.

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SDCC request post script

Recently I posted a request for a favor from anyone I know who might happen to be attending the San Diego Comic Con. A thread of what I was after can be read here. Anyway, earlier today I learned that as soon as SDCC opened its doors, http://whona.com was going to go live with some of these exclusives, and they had a counter on the website counting down to 6 pm Pacific time. I was in, so I kept an eye on it, and as soon as it counted down to 6, I tried reloading the page, and I guess every Doctor Who nerd in the world was doing the same thing I was doing because it kept crashing. I did manage to get what I wanted if my order doesn't get all screwed up as a result of all the craziness, so if anyone was trying to hook me up (I know one friend was trying to find someone on my behalf), I'm all set now, and thank you anyway.

On a side note, this must be the manliest action figure I've ever seen:

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eBay: Sandman, Batman, Two Face, Iron Man, Spider-Man items

I have these items posted on eBay:

Neil Gaiman's Sandman mini statue

Spider-Man fiber optic lamp

Batman Begins figure

Batman: The Animated Series Two Face figure

Iron Man movie novelization by Peter David (2 available)

Iron Man Nerf gun

Later I might post a Vertigo Comics tarot deck (Sandman, Hellblazer, etc.) and an Alleister Crowley tarot deck.

Here's my page: http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/saintofthepit_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ


Sunday, July 20, 2008

time sensitive offer from artist Myke Amend

My friend Myke Amend is offering an incentive on orders between now and July 30th. I thought I'd pass it along. From one of his posts:

"Any $30 or more purchase between now and July 30th, made from ettadiem.etsy.com, or themiskatonicarchive.com, or mykeamend.com - gets you one of these hand doodled-upon issues, shipping in Late August. If you beat me to the presses, you may even get your name on the inside cover (a very heartfet thank you, seriously). "


Saturday, July 12, 2008

BG visit & stupid work stuff

It's been a hectic few days. My dad came into town and extended an offer to drive me to Kentucky to visit my family. I haven't been there in two years, and my sister just had a baby I haven't seen in person, so I'm taking him up on it. And I have several friends I haven't seen in years. And my cats. I was planning to do it later in the summer, but too many windows opened up at once for me to wait. I managed to get people to cover for me at work, so everything worked out there. I came in early Friday to call some book companies to try to catch up some things before I left, and as soon as the company phone was in my hand, before I could actually dial it, it rang so I could waste times on incoming calls like this:

Idiot: Is this a toy store?

Me: Yes.

Idiot: So you sell toys and games and stuff, right?

Me: That's the idea. Toy store.

Idiot: My friend needs a dildo for his girlfriend. Can you hook me up?

Me: Very nice. A comedian. (thought balloon: This idiot's being immortalized on the blog.)

After I was done with this kid who thought he was one of the Jerky Boys, I had two more incoming calls before I could successfully dial out, and I only managed to make one of those calls due to the time-wasting calls, making my coming in early very counter-productive.. I caught up some more later in the day, but I will have more piled-up work waiting for me when I get back than I had hoped.

Anyway, if anyone in BG is reading, I'll be arriving probably late Sunday. I'll be leaving sometime Friday. If you want to meet up, call me. If you don't have my number, email me or comment here. I'll have a computer with me but don't know what my internet status will be.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

geeky collectibles posted on eBay

I am in dire need of money, so I'm posting some of my collectibles on eBay. So far, I've posted a Hellboy mask, two Wonder Woman statues, and a boxed set of Nightmare Before Christmas figurines. I will probably later be posting a statue of Vampira, a working Golden Age Green Lantern power battery, a boxed set of Sandman figurines with all the members of the Endless, and a boxed set of characters from The Dreaming. I might also post a few action figures. This stuff's eating up space and could be paying bills. But it is cool stuff, nonetheless.

This should link up to all my auctions:


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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Question for friends who understand computers and their ways.

I have a fairly new computer, and an idiotic feature I've never encountered before and can't seem to shut off from the control panel is this mouse that clicks on links if you just run it over them without actually clicking them. Someone please tell me they know how to shoot that feature.


Is anyone I know going to San Diego Comic Con?

If so, I have a favor to ask, if that's not terribly obnoxious. Please message me or comment, if you don't mind. Thanks!


Is there any valid reason to take the family dog to the fireworks on the National Mall?

We went to the fireworks event on the Mall last night (or rather we stayed on the outskirts of the event behind some trees to avoid as many bumbling tourists as possible), and I had trouble even paying attention to the fireworks because some genius tourist had the brilliant idea to bring her poor dog along. Keep in mind that these fireworks are extremely loud. When the event started, this poor creature was certain he was in the middle of the Blitz. He was terrified, jumping in all directions screaming, and his owner wouldn't pet him, hold him, or comfort him in any way. I was about to grab him and take a shot at it myself. In fact she seemed annoyed by him. Some people maybe shouldn't be allowed to have pets.

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more auctions from paintedaugusta.deviantart.com

My friend artist Hayley Young has posted two new auctions on eBay, so I'm posting them here so some more people are aware of them (I hear one of my friends actually won her last auction, so I guess it really does help!).

Here's her blog post on the auctions. They end July 7.

Three Sisters: A Pieta acrylic painting on board

Ricky; live male charcoal life drawing on archival paper

These images are copyright Hayley Young.

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Oh--we got a review!

http://indycomicreview.com contacted me and directed my attention to this. I'm pasting the whole thing here because it sounds like the site's demise is on the horizon.

Fatalysia #1

Year: 2006
Writer: Liam Kemp
Artist: U!
Letterer: Chris Tabor
Publisher: Self-Published
Website: http://www.fatalysia.com
Genre: Fantasy
Description of book: From the Web-site: "'Fatalysia' follows the adventures of Susan and Christan, best friends who live in a small village in an imaginary time. Susan escapes her abusive home life by secretly spending time with a scarecrow she meets on the other side of the forest."
Price: $3.00

Fatalysia 1 - 350.jpg

Review: Fatalysia opens with a flashback that has more to do with dreams than actual events. The remainder of the comic seems to follow this pattern, one foot on either side of the line dividing the concrete from the more surreal.

The story threatens to be a retread of the "Beauty and the Beast" tale with more of a tragic edge, but this opening leaves the reader with more questions than definitions. That is likely the title's biggest asset right now, although it is disappointing that it has only moved on to its second issue as of this writing.

Bottom line, there are hints in Issue #1 that this is a project that takes more traditional ideas and, courtesy of a unique meeting of minds, mashes them together in a new and (hopefully) less than predictable way.

Overall: 4 stars.

Alex Haas

Review Legend
Wouldn't give to my worst enemy!
The best I can say is that it wasn't horrible.
Decent book, could be talked into reading the next issue.
Enjoyed the book, wouldn't mind spending some more time with the characters
I'll be sitting at the comic store waiting for the next issue!!
