artist Myke Amend in DC/Baltimore area this weekend
If you are anywhere in the DC/Baltimore area this weekend, it is your destiny to go to HorrorFind Weekend, fork over the $25 admission fee, and behold Myke Amend and his works. When you're done with Myke, if you're into meeting people associated with zombie movies, you can meet George Romero and more Night of the Living/Dawn of the/Day of the/Land of the/Diary of the Dead-associated humans than normally possible. Myke's selling prints, buttons, magnets, and t-shirts, many of which are signed. Some of the prints are even individually enhanced to make them literally one of a kind. I hope to make it there to finally meet this guy. Is he real? I've received numerous emails from and spoken on the phone many times to someone claiming to be him. I'll perform the poke-him-with-a-stick test. Will the stick make a hole from which pudding flows? Will it get stuck in robot parts? Maybe he's really Myke's stunt double or the guy he hired to be him at birthday parties and such. Anyway... go meet Myke and buy his wares. And look at big prints of his Fatalysia #2 cover.