back from SPACE
We got home from SPACE around 2 am last night. I barely got any sleep over the last few days due to one of my silly hangups: trouble sleeping in unfamiliar environments. Anyway, the con was fun although the turnout seemed low. For that, I blame this man:

Mr. Schwarzenegger was in town to host a bodybuilding convention he's been hosting in Columbus for the past 20 years (who knew?), and this year it just happened to fall on the same date as SPACE. I guess the Terminator/Conan the Barbarian trumps comics for some folks.
The trip there was a bit of an adventure, complete with a rental car with a flat tire in the snow (that we luckily discovered because I was fiending for a Wendy's burger--luckily because there was a tire fixing place right across the street from said Wendy's). On the trip home, this rental car, which was a 2007 or 2008 model that actually warns you of cold temperatures had an incomprehensible CD player that decided to start munching CDs and refusing to give them back, which meant instead of listening to music during the seven hour drive home, my girlfriend instead got to listen to me yell and rant about the last 20 years of Spider-Man continuity for most of the trip home.
In spite of the low turnout, it was a fun con with lots of nice people. I met plenty of other exhibitors and hope to maintain contact with some of them. I will post links to some of them when I'm done unpacking and sifting through what I brought home from the con. I met Dave Sim, who apparently goes every year.
I find setting up the table and displays to be particularly fun, and I took a few photos of the table, as usual. So if you're curious about what the space I spent about 16 hours of the weekend occupying looked like, you're in luck. The art prints, magnets, and t-shirts are Myke Amend's. He was planning to attend but couldn't make it, but we still got to show off his work thanks to the magic of expedited shipping. Anyway, here is how our space turned out.

Mr. Schwarzenegger was in town to host a bodybuilding convention he's been hosting in Columbus for the past 20 years (who knew?), and this year it just happened to fall on the same date as SPACE. I guess the Terminator/Conan the Barbarian trumps comics for some folks.
The trip there was a bit of an adventure, complete with a rental car with a flat tire in the snow (that we luckily discovered because I was fiending for a Wendy's burger--luckily because there was a tire fixing place right across the street from said Wendy's). On the trip home, this rental car, which was a 2007 or 2008 model that actually warns you of cold temperatures had an incomprehensible CD player that decided to start munching CDs and refusing to give them back, which meant instead of listening to music during the seven hour drive home, my girlfriend instead got to listen to me yell and rant about the last 20 years of Spider-Man continuity for most of the trip home.
In spite of the low turnout, it was a fun con with lots of nice people. I met plenty of other exhibitors and hope to maintain contact with some of them. I will post links to some of them when I'm done unpacking and sifting through what I brought home from the con. I met Dave Sim, who apparently goes every year.
I find setting up the table and displays to be particularly fun, and I took a few photos of the table, as usual. So if you're curious about what the space I spent about 16 hours of the weekend occupying looked like, you're in luck. The art prints, magnets, and t-shirts are Myke Amend's. He was planning to attend but couldn't make it, but we still got to show off his work thanks to the magic of expedited shipping. Anyway, here is how our space turned out.

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