
Friday, February 29, 2008

SPACE this weekend in Columbus, OH

I'll be at SPACE in Columbus, OH this weekend, in case you didn't believe the subject heading. Fatalysia 1 and 2 will be available (printing scheduling problems ended up with us having a black and white cover for 2; the next printing should be color) at our table, and admission is only like five dollars. My friend and issue 2 cover artist Myke Amend planned to attend but was unable; lots of prints and a few t-shirts were able to make it though, and I'll have those at the table as well. So if you're in the area, come see us.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I didn't get a chance to mention... (or "Daleks in Manhattan")

I'm in New York for a couple of days for Toy Fair. I'll be back Wednesday night. If anyone here knows me or just wants to kill me, message me. Unless this Dalek does the job first.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

He's in my aquarium.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Myke Amend on SPACE blog

The SPACE blog posted a promotional blurb for Myke Amend, who is planning to haunt a table with me there. Also posted are a couple of preview links for his series Some Ghouls Wander By Mistake, which will make its debut at SPACE on March 1-2 in Columbus, OH.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Fatalysia on official SPACE blog

I thought I'd pass along this bit from the SPACE blog where they were kind enough to plug Fatalysia.

coherent, at last

Oh. I have one of those blog things the kids are going on about. Guess I should update it.

The Christmas season sucked my soul out and left me quite disgusted with humanity and feeling like the Silver Surfer must feel. I picked a flower, climbed a mountain, answered a bunch of philosophical riddles, got beaten up, and eventually retained my soul. Well, not really. When I started getting over all that, I got sick. I am pretty much over that now.

So... I've done things. In the middle of the illness I peeled myself off the floor to see a live Birthday Massacre performance; I'm very glad I did. A friend sent me one of their albums a couple of years ago, and I've been waiting for them to be in close proximity to me (ironically a year or so ago they actually played in the small city in Kentucky where I used to reside).

I saw Cloverfield. It's one of those movies that one will likely either love or hate. I fall into the love camp. I hope Toho picks up the whole gimmick and starts a whole new era of Blair Witch-esque Gojira movies.

I saw Rambo out of habit. I'm not bothering with linking him to anything. Um. It was a Rambo movie. An injustice was pointed out, and a huge, steroid-enhanced 60-year old Sylvester Stallone was tossed at it with a Rob Liefeld gun. Lots of death. I'm baffled I spent so much of my teen years obsessing over this character (the silliness of this is compounded by the fact that I was a skinny, badly-dressed nerd who was obsessing over this character). I'm truly sorry.

I decided to attend SPACE in Columbus, Ohio March 1-2. Fatalysia #1 and #2 will be available. #3 didn't make it this time, but it'll be out soon. #2 will have a color cover this time, since Myke Amend kindly pointed me towards a service that makes color covers affordable.

I'm having issues with the Fatalysia website that will hopefully be resolved shortly. The site can be accessed here in the meantime. Speaking of which, there have been a few updates on the site, mainly in the gallery and the links page. A shop page is in the oven and will go live as soon as it's ready.