Dream: unlikely phone call
I dreamed Snoop Dog called my cell phone and thanked me for the comics I sent him. He sounded like an ordinary guy. I didn't remember sending him any comics, but I was glad he enjoyed them.
I dreamed Snoop Dog called my cell phone and thanked me for the comics I sent him. He sounded like an ordinary guy. I didn't remember sending him any comics, but I was glad he enjoyed them.
I dreamed I was in the bathroom looking into the mirror. I moved my face really close to it and found that when my face was really close, I could see my back. I saw a long, wiry black hair growing on my back. I plucked it out with some tweezers. Then I saw feathers growing from my back. I pulled them out as well. I looked at my feet and saw that pieces of bamboo were growing from my feet. I pulled them out. I showed the feathers and bamboo to my mother. She told me that she hoped she would never have to tell me, but she used to know a demon before she got married, and he was my real father. This was disturbing.
I'll be in Manhattan on business Sunday night and most of Monday, so if anyone there I happen to know wants to meet up at some point, contact me over the next couple of days.
First, the news: