In other news... silly photographs.
We went to a grocery a couple of nights ago, and as I was determined to refrain from engaging in any capitalism due to my low funds, I just bumbled around the store to kill time. I took some odd pictures that make me wonder how much silliness I miss when I'm busy gathering food.

They look... sort of content. Are they on meds preventing any unfortunate incidents, or is an unfortunate incident about to manifest... right... about... now?

Oh... that's what diabetics need: chap stick. Lots of chap stick.

And lozenges will answer the question of whether or not you are diabetic. Who knew?

They look... sort of content. Are they on meds preventing any unfortunate incidents, or is an unfortunate incident about to manifest... right... about... now?

Oh... that's what diabetics need: chap stick. Lots of chap stick.

And lozenges will answer the question of whether or not you are diabetic. Who knew?
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