
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What's pop music doing in Narnia?!

We caught a late showing of Prince Caspian last night. Aside from three assjerk 20-somethings who thought they were Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot and decided to sit right behind me and periodically yank me out of the story with their live DVD commentary (I'm surprised there hasn't been an epidemic of "movie rage"--a movie theater version of road rage where paying customers snap and physically assault these idiots), I loved the movie... until one of the final scenes in which some sappy modern pop song begins playing inexplicably! In Narnia. In a story set in 1941. Okay... who thought this was a good idea? This song immediately beams you out of Narnia and into... a movie theater where most of the audience, in unison, says "whuh?". That was the reaction. How many focus groups and test screenings did this survive to somehow emerge as a sound ending to the movie? Was it tacked on at the last minute? Did Disney mandate it in fear of it not being a proper Disney product without some crappy trademark Disney pop music presence? Did they have some corporate drone in a suit and the director screaming at each other over this? They might as well have had the producer enter the scene and loudly fart on screen. If they wanted to start subtly fading the atmosphere from Narnia back into regular earth/1941 London they could have... played a pop song that would have been around in 1941. Idiot movie people.

On a side note, I'm learning through this post that this spell check doesn't recognize the word "Narnia". Baffling.

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