Arnold Schwarzenegger vs. Fatalysia
I already alluded in my blogs to Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodybuilding event that might have had an impact on SPACE's attendance. Fatalysia artist Uriel Duran kindly commemorated it with this piece, which I must admit I am posting quite late. He sent it to me shortly after SPACE, and I've had a combination of blogger's block and not having technology at my disposal that gets along with Photobucket's revamp. This is in no way a slam against anyone who attended or took part in SPACE. I just genuinely found it hilarious on some level that my life might have been inadvertently impacted by Conan the Barbarian and had this image in my head of literally being chased out the door by him.

Check out Uriel's site here:

Check out Uriel's site here:

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