Well then--I finally remembered a dream.
In said dream, Kit and I were travelling in a subway tain that cut straight through buildings. It seemed to be some kind of tour train. The train stopped frequently, sometimes inside buildings, other times poking out the sides of them into alleys, and we had a tour guide-like person pointing things out to us and the other passengers. We stopped inside a building that had a few stores; I noticed a merchant selling Crow T. Robot (from Mystery Science Theatre 3000) kits. One was on display. He was full sized, he moved and talked (his voice was a little off though), but he was incomplete. I believe he was missing his arms and part of his head. I tried to think of a way to convince Kit to sanction me spending money on such a thing. I decided against it, and we boarded the train. We stopped again in an alley with the train resting on a stone winding staircase. The location felt like New York City's Chinatown (which is fresh in my memory since I was just there), but there was nothing specifically Chinatowny about it. Against the wall of a building in the alley was a stove. There was a pot with some kind of soup boiling within. A live, decent sized turtle swam in it. Other turtes walked on the top of the stove. I picked one up, and his shell was soft. I was alarmed. I replaced him, and we got back on the train.
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